miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013



The dinner will be on 25th of December, on Jesus'. Next you have the menus and you say which one you want:
1st MENU
    - Seafood Soup
    - Garlic eels
    - Snacks (Ham, pate, cheese, smoked salmon, ...)
    - Nougat cake
    2nd MENU
    - The Mistery Pasta
    - Galician octopus
    - Sausages with bacon
    - Nougat chocolate castle
    3th MENU
    - Roast lamb with roast potatoes
    - Pasta salad (cold)
    - Spanish Stew
    - Caramelized almond paste
- Champagne
                        - Refreshments 
                            - Beer
*You can exchange the menus
 We will see you on 25th! Happy christmas

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Christmas show!

Christmas Show

Hi! Welcome to the Christmas Show!
On christmas day, the 25th of December, in
front of the town hall.
In this show you can see/do:
For Childrens and adults:
  • A Christmas play
  • How to cook cookies
  • Santa gives you a present!
  • Stroke a real reindeer!

    This show will least 3 hours (6pm to 9pm) and for night lovers music and drinks 3 hours more! (9pm to 12pm)
Even more, and it's free! You only have to come the
 25th of December in front of the town hall and have a nice time!

If you want to know more you only have to visit www.Christmastonmoralzarzal.com or send an email to jesuslorenzo@gmail.com or danigarcia@gmail.com

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

New Zeland, Australia

 New Zeland

 It's a country of Australia, it's an island, on the north of Australia. The oficial language is English, because it was a british colony. 

At present, there are 4,40 millions of habitants who live mainly in the capital Wellington, here you can visit a famous museum called Te Papa Tongarewa which is the biggest of the country.

The principal religion of New Zeland is Christianity because when the english people colonize it gives his religion, traditions and currency, but the currency now its called dolar kiwi.

Another important facture of New Zeland is the variety of animals like kiwi, kakapo and takahe.

 New Zeland holds a funny record in New Zeland, the most large name of a village:


 Here's a photograph of  the name of the village

And another of the kiwi


miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Halloween Party lalala

Halloween Party lalala
Cementery street nº 16

I want to invite you to my halloween party in the night of the 31 of October, at 12 at night...
You can bring sweets, candy, chocolate... and your soul =$
You have to wear a costume, dont mind what, but prefer to be gothic.
It would be in the cementery .
When you get the carrefour street you turn left,
walk for 400m,
turn right and there's the cementery.

A scariest welcome, Daniel & Jesus.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Grow Top Industry (S.A)

Adress: NOvendemosdroga street nº 2
Tlph: 914 111 666 or 612 345 678
Contact: Jesus Lorenzo/Daniel Garcia

We are going to sell:
-Rasta style clothes(hemp striped yellow, green,red and black, Rasta tam)
-Jocks clothes(Cotton Big Shirts, Shorts and Jordans)
-Gothic clothes(spike bracelets, black shirts, spiked jeans and spiked boots, white make up)
*We make Dreadlocks

Its going to be a fair trade industry working alone because we will obtain the products directly from farmers.

This is a tam, its price is 30€ (Made with hemp) 

 This is a hemp trousers,(Made with hemp) its price is 25€

This is a Kobe Bryant's shirt(Made with wool), its cost is 100€.
This are a Kobe Bryant'sshorts(Made with wool), its price is 60 €.

 This is a spiked boots(Made with leather) its cost 50€.

viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Dani and jesus blog for english

This is my blog!
Im Daniel, Im 15 years old and i want to you to enjoy this blog.
In this new year, we can see a diferent dificult in classes, but you can pass if you study :D
In this room we can learn watching videos in english or something like that, at this cain of study i hope that we enjoy with this clases.
In summer, jesus was go to Rototom, Benicassim. He enjoy it so much because he loves reggae, and iin this place was property to have reggae music in the streets.
(he was a reggae lover)

This is my blog.
I'm Jesus, i'm sixteen years old and i want to you to enjoy this blog!
This year i want to study a lot and pass to 1º bachillerato, because if i aprove, i can go to the rototom in summer.
In summer Daniel Garcia Garuti went to moralzarzal, he climb a local place called El Telegrafo. (he is a boy)

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Daniel Garcia Garuti y Raúl Capilla López
3º B
Matemáticas : Álvaro y Juancar
Lengua : José Luis
Tecnología : Carlos :)
Ingles : Benito
Ef : Gema
Geografía : Roberto
Biología : Hildegar
Plástica : Pedro
Música : Loreto
Mae : Ángela
Daniel: Me gusta el basket, y como no sabia como expresarlo, yo creo que la imagen mas apropiada es esta :

Y ahora para terminar, os pondré un vídeo epiquiiiisimo
Raúl: Mi lema
De vuestra envidia,
 nace mi fama
Orgullo blanco!

Y para dejar un liston alto

Vivo en la ignorancia
so perfect
"Cada dia es una replica exacta del anterior"